
2021年2月26日—在1–3我們有提到,Route標籤用於某單一車輛的行徑路徑,Flow標籤則用於車流(repeatedroute),指同一個路徑下的數台車行駛。因為轉向量是車流量資料,因此 ...,Introduction#.duaroutercanbeusedtoimportdemanddatagivenbysourceanddestinationedges(socalledtripsand''flows'').Furthermore,itcanbeused ...,Asksforthevalueofacertainvariableofthenamedroute.Thefollowingvariablevaluescanberetrieved,thetyp...

SUMO 使用教學(3

2021年2月26日 — 在1–3我們有提到,Route標籤用於某單一車輛的行徑路徑,Flow標籤則用於車流(repeated route),指同一個路徑下的數台車行駛。因為轉向量是車流量資料,因此 ...

Shortest or Optimal Path Routing

Introduction#. duarouter can be used to import demand data given by source and destination edges (so called trips and ''flows ''). Furthermore, it can be used ...

Route Value Retrieval

Asks for the value of a certain variable of the named route. The following variable values can be retrieved, the type of the return value is also shown in ...


Routes are created clicking over consecutive edges (marked with different colors) and pressing create route button or Enter key. Route creation can be aborted ...


jtrrouter computes routes that may be used by sumo based on traffic volumes and junction turning ratios. Purpose: Building vehicle routes from demand ...


duarouter imports different demand definitions, computes vehicle routes that may be used by sumo using shortest path computation; When called iteratively ...

Automatic Routing

This routing approach works by giving some or all vehicles the capability to re-compute their route periodically. This routing takes into account the current ...


By default, the objective of the routing algorithms is to minimize the travel time between origin and destination. The travel time can either be computed from ...


This script compares two route sets by calculating a similarity for any two routes based on the number of common edges and determining a maximum weighted ...

Definition of Vehicles, Vehicle Types, and Routes

A SUMO vehicle may be assigned to an abstract vehicle class, defined by using the attribute vClass . These classes are used in lane definitions and allow/ ...